Don’t be a gluten for punishment – try Rummo Gluten Free Pasta

Picture the scene: it’s been a long day, you’re tired, hungry and you don’t want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove. What to cook? What to cook if you’re gluten intolerant? Well, at Campania Wines, we’ve been there, and bought the proverbial t-shirt. For those of you…

Introducing Montevetrano Core Collection

Here at Campania Wines, our commitment to sourcing the excellence of Italian winemaking stands as our cornerstone. Today, we are excited to present two remarkable additions to our collection: Montevetrano Core Rosso Campania IGT and Montevetrano Core Bianco Campania IGT. Montevetrano Core Rosso Campania IGT Crafted with utmost dedication…

Red Gold-Italianavera

Once in a while, the buying team at Campania Wines come across a producer that sums up the philosophy, beauty and simplicity of the Campania region through its products. Italianavera is such a producer. Its story, highlights the Campania region through the tomato which is synonymous with the culture,…

That’s Amore!

Add a touch of sparkle to your life with some exceptional wines from Campania Wines As the world slowly returns to a semblance of normality following 2 1/2 years of the pandemic, one thing’s for certain on Valentine’s Day 2023 – a significant number won’t be taking their significant…

