Don’t be a gluten for punishment – try Rummo Gluten Free Pasta

Don’t be a gluten for punishment – try Rummo Gluten Free Pasta

Picture the scene: it’s been a long day, you’re tired, hungry and you don’t want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove. What to cook? What to cook if you’re gluten intolerant?

Well, at Campania Wines, we’ve been there, and bought the proverbial t-shirt. For those of you not aware, the Campania region is home to ‘traditional’ wheat and gluten rich pasta.

Each province in Campania has its own pasta brand that the locals lovingly cherish, and swear by. But if you are gluten intolerant due to being a coeliac or suffering from IBS, then family gatherings could be a bit tricky. 

For years the major supermarkets stocked own label versions of gluten free pasta, which were quite frankly, awful. The pasta would be reduced to a gloopy mess, only fit for the food waste bin.

That was until several years ago, when the major pasta manufacturers started to take notice of changes in food habits, brought upon better understanding of various medical and health conditions associated with gluten and improvements in production techniques.

Millions of Euros spent in research and development by the major pasta brands, has resulted in gluten free pasta with the texture and pleasure of wheat pasta. 

There are two types of gluten free pasta: ones made from grains like rice and corn, and those made from beans or vegetables.

Campania Wines have selected gluten free pasta which closely matches the wheat-based pasta, and for those who eat pasta 7 days a week, we challenge you, to coin a phrase, to ‘taste the difference’.

Our gluten free pasta brand of choice is Rummo. Established in Benevento in 1848, Rummo have been producing gluten free pasta since 2015. Made from brown rice, white and yellow corn, which is GM free, the pasta is made via steam or ‘lavorazione al metodo vapore’, and the result is a soft dough that can be extruded through bronze dies (like the traditional pasta), giving the pasta’s surface a certain roughness and ‘al dente’ bite which helps bond the sauce to the pasta, similar to wheat-based pasta.

We have four pasta shapes in our range. Spaghetti, Linguine, Penne and Fusilli. Each shape, a classic, in which you can recreate your favourite pasta dish with the sauce of your choice. Cooking Rummo gluten free pasta, is thankfully similar to cooking traditional pasta, the only difference is the lack of starch in the gluten free pasta water. There is also no need to rinse the gluten free pasta either before serving.

And if you’re short on time, we have four Rummo ready-made pasta sauces for you to choose, all gluten free – please read the ingredients carefully before serving.

Ragu’ alla Bolognese, made from prime cuts of meat, and ripe tomatoes, are braised for two hours until the Bolognese sauce is rich in flavour and consistency.

Bolognese Vegetale is a lighter take on the classic Ragu’ alla Bolognese. Using chunky vegetables and the right blend of spices, resulting in a satisfying and balanced sauce. 

Sugo All’Arrabbiata is a marriage of tomatoes and chillis, making a pleasantly hot sauce, ideal with Penne pasta. 

And finally, Sugo Al Basilico is made from tomatoes and PDO (Protected Designation Of Origin) certified 100% Genovese Basil, to bring you a classic sauce, ideal with Rummo gluten free spaghetti, ready in minutes.

All pasta sauces require simmering on a low heat.  

The next time you’re thinking of cooking gluten free pasta, and dreading the outcome, remember, don’t be a Gluten for punishment and choose Rummo Gluten Free Pasta and Sauces.

Buon appetito!

To purchase Rummo gluten free pasta and sauces



