Campania-the cultural treasure trove-Part 2

Campania-the cultural treasure trove-Part 2

Part 2 of this mini series of places to visit in Campania focusses on Naples and Sorrento.

San Carlo Theatre, Naples Opera, ballet, international orchestras in concert, see them all here in the oldest working theatre in Europe – especially Opera Buffa, the 18th Century Italian comic opera which originated in Naples.

St Francis Cloister, Sorrento If you fancy tying the knot and spending your honeymoon on the Neapolitan Riviera, then St Francis Cloister in Sorrento is the place. Marvel at the 14th Century architectural styles with fine arches, octagonal pillars, and pagan influences, all in a vibrant scented garden and known for hosting art exhibitions and a summer music festival.

Sorrento Cathedral A deceptively plain façade hides an exuberant Romanesque interior adorned with frescoes and dominated by a dramatic cross, towering high above the altar. See too the triple tiered bell tower in all its glory.





