Irish Coffee

Irish Coffee

During the 1940’s, Foynes in Ireland was the largest airport in Europe, receiving mainly American passengers.  A restaurant was opened to cater for these passengers who were important political figures and ‘A’ list Hollywood celebrities. As the weather in Ireland can be awful and cold, the chef there, decided to make a hot drink to warm up the passengers by adding Irish whiskey and cream to the hot coffee.  News quickly spread about this warming and boozy coffee stateside, it caught on and is now famous all over the world.

Serve warm in a heated Irish Coffee Glass and garnish with 3 Kimbo coffee beans


30mL Irish Whiskey

10mL Sugar Syrup

60mL Kimbo Filtered Coffee

30mL Double Cream

Pour the whiskey, sugar syrup, and coffee in the warm glass and stir. Prepare the cream by whipping it and floating it into the warmed glass, using the back of a warmed spoon.




